How To Build An Aesthetic Body At Home

Without Weights

Learn how you can become lean & aesthetic 

without gyms and fancy equipment

First off, you don't need to be a 'gym-bro' to build an aesthetic body... 


  • Do you want to build muscle at home without weights but don't know how?
  • Are you confused about how to do bodyweight training to build muscle? 
  • Is the gym too far away or too costly for you right now?
  • Maybe you are overwhelmed by all the info and want something easy to follow at home...


In a few minutes you'll find out exactly how you can build a lean & aesthetic body without gyms or expensive training equipment. 

Because if there is one thing I hate...

It's the feeling of not being able to take care of my body just because I don't have a gym nearby.

Our ancestors never needed fancy equipment.

And I'm sure you'll agree, some of them looked like Greek Gods.

Remember you have the most ancient and sophisticated training equipment with you at all times - yes it's your body.

You just need to know how to use it. 

And once you do, you will NEVER depend on gyms again.

This is why so many people, including myself, love Bodyweight Training.

But there is one MAJOR problem that STOPS 99% of men from using bodyweight training to their benefit:

I used to train in the 'dumbest' way...


“Do 20 push ups!” screams the instructor. “Now 10 burpees!” 


I call this ‘military style’ training where more reps = more gains. 

Many are stuck in this frame of mind. 

You get the runner’s high, the good feeling of ‘having worked out’. 

But eventually you realize, it’s quite tiring. 

It gets repetitive and boring.

So after a few weeks, you give up on the routine.

This is the WRONG way to train with your body.

What’s the right way?

The ONLY way people like you and me can get aesthetic with Bodyweight Training is by making it Minimalist.  

You see, the best routine is always the one you can stick with. 

And you can't stick to a military routine.

You are probably asking yourself "Okay Wanhee, but how do I make it minimalist?"

Here are 4 things that separates Minimalist Bodyweight Training from the Military Bodyweight Training:

  • You must work towards exercise progression rather than endless reps.
  • You must have specific exercise goals.
  • You must stay in the perfect rep range for hypertrophy (muscle growth) and strength.
  • You must do all this in the shortest possible time so you can actually live your life outside the gym.

That’s what Minimalist Training is all about - making more gains in less time.


The best thing about this is, you will actually enjoy this routine and have fun building up to newer and cooler exercises...

Rather than being bogged trying to get 100 push ups every day. (*facepalm*)

But don't take my word for it.

See what others have said about minimalist training.

"I met Wanhee in the Marine Corps. He helped me physically and mentally.

Following the routines he gave me, I could see my body change "


"I was the fat guy all my life. Wanhee instilled in me the certainty that I can change.

I can comfortably say that he changed not just my body but my life."


"I used to be skinny. With Wanhee, I went from high volume training to a more minimalist training and my strength went through the roof, and the looks followed."



What is Minimalist Bodyweight Training Exactly? 

Minimalist Bodyweight Training is my complete guide to bodyweight training. 

This video training course is the simplest and easiest program you can follow as a beginner who does not have easy access to gyms and training equipment.

I take you from A to Z explaining absolutely everything you need to know so you don't get confused and overwhelmed.

You will have everything you need in one place - exercise guidance, form videos, routines, and more so that you can become lean and aesthetic without gym equipment. 

I made sure that the program is fit for trainers of every level from beginner to advanced - meaning whatever level you join at, you will have an exact system to follow to progress.

If you want to build muscle and become aesthetic at home...

If you want to add bodyweight training to your arsenal so you never depend on gym memberships again (for example when you travel on holiday)

Minimalist Bodyweight Training is the perfect program for you.



A lean and aesthetic body can completely change your life - it changed mine.

Hi, my name’s Wanhee 👋

A lot of you know me from YouTube but not all of you know about my back pain story.

When I lived in Milan in 2020, I woke up one day with pain in my lower back. 

I couldn’t stand for more than 2 minutes, and sitting made the pain worse.

It got so bad, all I could do was lie belly down on the bed so the pain would go away.

It gives me chills to think about it now.

And listen, at the same time, corona struck Milan - and was spreading like crazy. 

I couldn’t leave the house. I was overweight at 85kg (187lbs). It wasn’t long before I started thinking the worst

“Will I ever be able to do sports again?” “Will I be able to have sex?”

Can you imagine? 

I was on the verge of tears on that bed and became depressed quickly thereafter.

But I knew I couldn’t just sit there. So what did I do?

I just began with bodyweight exercises. 

I started with some basic stretches and movements that I could do in that little room.

I started learning about different ways of bodyweight training and applied the Minimalist Training framework - not overdoing it and prioritizing consistency above everything else.

Slowly but surely my physique began to take shape.

The back pain didn’t disappear but those months are very special to me.

It gave me the CONFIDENCE to work towards a better body - a better future. 

No one asked me or forced me. I just knew I couldn’t give up.

Eventually when I left Milan, I had enough trust in my body and my lower back to step inside the gym. 

And a few months after that, one day, my back pain was gone. Just like that. 

I tell this story not to get sympathy from you. But to remind you that no one will come to save you.

If you aren’t happy with your body right now, ONLY YOU can change it.    

And believe me, you can do it.

And if you don’t want to make all the mistakes I made, I would love to help you inside Minimalist Bodyweight Training. 

Hope to see you inside


What's Inside Minimalist Bodyweight Training?

[Video Training Course]

Module 1: Understanding Bodyweight Training

You will get the knowledge and confidence to build an aesthetic body ANYWHERE, ANYTIME.

After this you will never depend on gyms, equipments, and memberships.

Whether you are stranded on an island or traveling for business, you physique will be kept in outstanding shape.

Module 2: Key Exercises And Progressions

You will learn the 8 KEY EXERCISES to build a lean & aesthetic physique.

This makes the whole process simple, easy and fun to follow - like progressing through different levels of a game.

Go from a complete beginner to advanced with a tailor made progression guide.

Module 3:  Minimalist Bodyweight Routines

These are the routines I use to look good, be healthy, and perform better.

1. The Aesthetic Body Routine (Makes you look like a movie star)

2. The Functional Body Routine (Makes you functional and healthy)

3. The Athletic Body Routine (Makes you perform better in sports, life, and bed)

Module 4: How To Combine Bodyweight Training With The Gym

Lean how to combine the best of two worlds to become a versatile athlete.

This will allow you to break through plateaus, and build muscle consistently, while staying injury free.

PLUS You Will Also Get Instant Access To These Bonuses For Free:


1. 'Do It Right' - Exact Video Form Guidance On Every Exercise ($197)

So you can get maximum gains from each exercise

2. 'Age Backwards' -Flexibility and Mobility Guide For Beginners ($97)

So you don't get injured in the process

3. 'Stay Injury Free' - Wrist And Back Rehab and Prevention Guide ($97)

So you can build strong and healthy wrists/back for life

4. 'The Tracker' - Custom Made Tracking Template For Workouts ($47)

So you never fall off track and progress fast

This is for you if:

  • If you want to build a great body at home with just your body
  • If you want to get strong with minimal equipment
  • If you want to get healthy and functional with resistance bands
  • If you don’t have a gym membership / equipment at home
  • If you are a complete beginner and can’t do 1 pull up
  • If you are an intermediate and want to move to advanced exercises
  • If you want to combine your gym with bodyweight training
  • If you travel a lot and can’t find gym access all the time

This is Not for you if:

  • You want to only train in the gym
  • If you want to train a lot all the time
  • If you don’t like doing bodyweight training
  • If you think bodyweight training isn’t effective
  • If you love powerlifting

[What You Will Get]


1. Minimalist Bodyweight Training Video Course [50+ Videos] ($497)


2. 'Do It Right' - Exact Form Guidance Videos On Every Exercise ($297)

3. 'Age Backwards' -Flexibility and Mobility Guide For Beginners ($197)

4. 'Stay Injury Free' - Wrist And Back Rehab and Prevention Guide ($197)

5. 'The Tracker' - Custom Made Tracking Template For Workouts, Diet, Weight, & Steps ($97)


Total Value: $1285


For Only $97 

"It's a deal. It's a steal."


Yes, No Brainer

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

I am so confident you will love this course that I'm giving you a 30 day money back guarantee.

If for whatever reason, you are not satisfied with it, maybe you just don't like the sound of my voice or the colour of my cat...

I will give you your money back.

No Questions Asked.

I can't guarantee that you will put in the work to get the results but I can guarantee that if you do, you will witness an incredible transformation.

Think of it this way.

In the worst case scenario, you get inside and see everything I have to offer, try it for some weeks, and if you don't like it, you've got all your money back and spent some hours working out and watching me talk.

But in the best case, even if the course is only half as good as I know it to be, you'll be right on track to building the body of your dreams - sexy, lean, strong, and athletic. 

Not to mention all the other deep knowledge about nutrition and mindset that you will keep for life.

If you're still not ready to commit to improving your body...

I don't know if you ever will!

Every time we say 'next time' we push our dreams further away. It's time we changed that story.

Remember action is the real measure of intelligence.

It's time to take action!

Let's do this. 

Our Wall of Love

If you have questions please contact us at:  coachwanhee @