Welcome to the
Minimalist Training Club

 We'll Help You Build Your Dream Body.

Faster & Smarter 

Become lean, aesthetic, healthy, strong, and mobile with

Wanhee as your coach inside an exclusive community

(Watch the video below to find out how)

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Enter Minimalist Training Club Now


There’s a Reason Why 90% of Modern Men Never  Achieve Their Dream Physique…

Hi, I’m Wanhee. 👋

I’ve been coaching men like yourself since 2020.

I’ve helped transform the bodies of thousands of men,

Personally coached over a hundred, and amassed a YouTube channel of 243,000 subscribers.

Built an aesthetic body and helped many men do the same.

The craziest part?

I’ve done this all, while doing 3 workouts a week that are 50-60 minutes each.

Enough about me, let’s talk about why you’re here

You want to build a lean and aesthetic body.

You came to the right place.

If you’re on this page, I’m assuming you’re not 100% satisfied with how your body looks and feels.

But you also don’t want to be a gym-bro…spending hours in the gym 5-6 days a week,

Eating bland, boring meals that leave you feeling drained and hangry.

You want a body that gives you massive confidence 

Without sacrificing your life and mental health. 

If I'm being honest, most guys are clueless as to how to achieve this.

They don’t know how to train properly.

They’re inconsistent with their diet.

Their mindset is a mess.

So they end up stuck.

Back on the YouTube hamster wheel – watching a new over-enthusiastic influencer every week.

“Do this, do that! Try this, try that!”

They train hard, bouncing between different workouts/diets.

A month or two later, they fall off the wagon and don't return to the gym for weeks or even months at a time...

The worst part?

This isn’t the first time this has happened. 

More than 90% of people you see in the gym nowadays are endlessly repeating this cycle.

It’s time to wake up.

It’s time to leave the fitness industry behind…

Just picture it…

It’s a beautiful sunny day.

You’re on the beach, shirt off.

You can’t help but notice that people are looking at you. Women are noticing.

Your muscles are hard and dense, your waist is tight, and the veins on your biceps are popping.

You have the coveted V-taper that women love and a chiseled six pack to go with it.

You smile.

Basking in the satisfaction of knowing you’ve finally achieved a lean, aesthetic physique that you can be proud of.

Sounds like a dream.

That’s the type of man that gets to be a real-life superhero for his girlfriend. For his wife. For his kids.

I want you to know right now.

All this is possible for you.

I Want A Top 1% Body

What women REALLY want in a man’s body

I’ve talked to countless women about what they really want in a man’s body.

I asked them straight up, “what kind of body do you like?”

And each time they describe a version of the ‘lean & aesthetic’ body.

They say that they “don’t like the overly bulky look” that most gym-bros go for.

They also don’t want the skinny fat body with face fat and belly fat.

What they want is the effortlessly proportionate, lean, and muscular physique.

It’s the V-tapered, “broad-shoulder-and-back, clothes-look-good-on-him” type of guy that they want.

Now imagine you have that exact body that women crave.

How would that make you feel?

How would that help your dating opportunities and even your business opportunities?

The truth is, when your body is right, people treat you with more respect.

Women (and men) take you more seriously because you can’t fake a disciplined body.

You’re here because you’ve failed to make that dream a reality.

And a lot of it is down to the fact that you have been MISLED.

Because the modern fitness industry simply does not have your best interests at heart.

It’s time to put your foot down and put an end to this nonsense.

You need something different:

- Something that allows you to strip away all the bullshit and give you the raw, hard truth of what it takes to build a great body.

- You want a system that provides accountability, develops your self-discipline, and teaches you how to transform from the inside-out.

- If you stick with me for a bit longer, I’m going to show you the no-nonsense steps that allowed me to go from “average and chubby”...to "lean and aesthetic."


Who is This For?

  • You want a lean, aesthetic body 
  • You don't want to spend hours in the gym 
  • You want something minimal, highly effective, and easy to follow
  • You want to lose belly fat
  • You want to get a six pack
  • You want to be strong, mobile, and functional
  • You want to be consistent with your training
  • You want to be more confident
  • You want to develop healthy eating habits
  • You want to improve your mental health  
  • You want to improve your sleep
  • You want to look better in clothes

Any of These Sound Familiar?

  • You’re overwhelmed by too much information 
  • You’re inconsistent with your training and diet
  • You tend to binge eat and give into food cravings
  • You don’t have the right environment around you
  • You’re trapped in a loop of overthinking and uncertainty

Real Results from Real People

Using the Minimalist Training System to achieve their goals.
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Here's What Doesn't Work...


❌  Watching countless youtube videos in the hope that it will click one day

❌  Downloading / buying pdf workout routines because you will "figure it out" on your own

❌  Consuming digital courses endlessly without proper coaching and community to go alongside it

❌  Just going to the gym with a muscular friend and following what he does

❌  Mix and matching your favorite influencer's tips for training and diet.


The Problem With The Fitness Industry Today...


Most influencers sell you routines, supplements, and programs to make money off your frustrations.  

They don’t care if you actually succeed. 

And let’s be honest.

If pdfs, pills, and video playlists got the job done, every Joe down the street would have a top 1% body.

But they don’t. 

Because whenever something truly valuable is at stake, the journey is not easy and the road is paved with obstacles.

Obstacles that you cannot navigate easily on your own.

This is why you need a mentor who can guide you when things go sideways and you feel like giving up.

This is why you need a community - a brotherhood by your side that roots for you when things get difficult. 

This is what I want to provide for you. 

I want to be your coach and mentor. I want to create the most authentic fitness community on the internet.

I am talking about an ACTUAL community, full of members who are dedicated to helping each other grow - not like those generic facebook groups where nobody really cares what anyone else says.

Nothing truly great is achieved alone.

Even on my own fitness journey my brother was always by my side making sure I stayed consistent. 

This is huge. 

Now imagine having 100 brothers who help you stay on track and keep you motivated. 

Do not make the mistake of thinking you have it all figured out because you have a training routine from X and a diet guide from Y.

The fastest and smartest way to transform from average to aesthetic, from ‘skinny fat’ to lean and chiseled 

Is through LEVERAGE

You must leverage mine and other people’s experience to fast track your success. 

This is the secret.

And the following is my promise to you:


I promise you…


I will be there for you to guide you every step of the way from your current physique to the top 1% physique - lean, aesthetic, healthy, strong, and mobile.

Whether you are skinny fat trying to build muscle and get rid of belly fat,

Or average-chubby and trying to get lean enough to finally show your abs…

As long as you stick by me and try your best, I will help you UNTIL YOU GET THERE.

I won’t ditch you with some pdf’s and some videos and tell you “go do it bro.”

I won’t leave you hanging with random ‘substitute coaches’ and appear once in a blue moon.

I will be there for you every day and every week, answering your questions LIVE and guiding you towards your next breakthrough.

All of this and more is waiting for you if you decide to join the Minimalist Training Club.

But before I tell you exactly what you get inside, you must do this one thing:

I Want Wanhee to Be My Coach

You must change from 


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I remember reading somewhere

‘doubt kills dreams more than failure ever did’. 

It really hit me.

Because there are countless times I doubted myself and ended up never reaching my goals.

Like the first time I had my football trials for a regional team in England…

(I doubted myself and couldn’t show my ability)

Like the first time I recorded my youtube video…

(I doubted myself and ditched the effort altogether - 8 years ago)

Every time something is important, and we are on the brink of transformation, doubt creeps in.

It’s a good thing designed to keep you safe.

But it’s also the first hurdle you must overcome if you want to transform.

You may have doubts about your ability to build a lean and aesthetic body. You may have doubts about me or this community you are reading about.

But you must change from doubter to believer.

If I stayed with my doubt all those years ago… I would have never posted my first video. I would still be stuck in a phd in Milan with depression and chronic back pain.

And I cannot take this step for you. You must do this by yourself.

But once you do, I will hold your hand every step of the way.

And let me tell you this:

In the next year, you CAN achieve the body and life of your dreams. 

You can actually become the most primed, evolved version of yourself.

You can look good, feel good, and become confident and proud in your body.

You just need a system, a coach, and a real community by your side.

You can find all of this and more inside Minimalist Training Club.

What Is Minimalist Training Club?


Minimalist Training Club is my exclusive coaching community. 

My Goal is to help you build a Top 1% body - lean, aesthetic, healthy, strong, and mobile. 


💎  I will coach you on live calls every week. I will be inside coaching a select group of dedicated members. 

💎  I will provide you with all the training materials necessary (multiple training programs, masterclasses, form guides and even cooking & grocery guides)

💎  I will be there to help you UNTIL YOU GET THERE. (Not for “30 days” or “60 days”)

💎  You will also get access to other members inside the community who are driven men on the same path, some of them experts in their own right.

💎  You will also get access to expert guest lecturers and coaches inside to teach on topics like mobility.

💎  You will get to join me on live in-person meetups in europe, usa, and korea.

💎  You will get access to all my future courses on youtube, online business, dating, and confidence that I plan to put inside this community. 


Think of it as Wanhee’s private mastermind to help you build a top 1% body as well as level up in every domain of your life.

If you are ready to join right now, click below


Join Me And Achieve Your Goals!

Meet Your Coach

I spent almost 10 years trying to build a lean and aesthetic body - following the usual advice - and the best I achieved was what I call an average chubby physique.

I’d train 5-6 times a week for 1.5-2 hours on top of other sports - but the layer of fat that coated my body was always there.

Every diet I followed had me motivated at first and would even give me a hint of progress. But eventually it ended up being too restrictive and difficult to sustain.

Soon I’d bounce back to binge eating and drinking on weekends - back to square one.

Does this sound familiar?

I wanted to give up. I told myself it was my genetics, and that diets weren’t worth the effort. I resented the guys that would have amazing bodies and said to myself it was only because they dedicated their entire lives to the gym.

But deep inside I knew I wanted to build an aesthetic body. But I didn’t want to look like bodybuilders in gym magazines. I didn’t like the overly pumped up gym-bro look. They seemed unnatural and disproportionate.

What I wanted was a lean and aesthetic body, the kind you see on the movie screens - a body that is proportionate with muscle development in just the right places, and lean enough to show it.

And after years of trial and error, as well as research into minimalist trainers like Mike Mentzer, I started to see some hope.

There seemed to be a way for normal, everyday guys like me to build a great body without using steroids, and without spending countless hours in the gym 5-6 times a week.

The key was to focus on training intensity rather than volume. The key was to focus on strength gains on key exercises in the critical rep ranges of (4-10 reps). The key was to rest enough to allow muscular and neural recovery. And perhaps most importantly, the key was to cut out all the excess that surrounded training, diet, and the lifestyle.

After modifying my training routine and diet, I began to see better and better results. Not only was I getting stronger, my physique was looking better week by week and I was losing fat at the same time.

It truly felt like I hit a jackpot.
I uncovered an aesthetic physique at a rapid pace and felt stronger and more agile than ever before.

The best part about adopting minimalist training was that I could enjoy all kinds of other things that I loved doing.

Training only 3 times a week and less than an hour each time, I had enough mental and physical energy to do other sports; go out with friends and family, basically live a life outside the gym and still look great. 

Having seen the benefits of minimalist training I applied the same logic to the diet as well as the mindset.

To date, I’ve helped thousands of men around the world achieve an aesthetic physique using this exact minimalist approach.

And I've distilled the most potent formula for transforming average guys into top 1% shape.

You can get instant access inside Minimalist Training Club.

Transform Now with the Minimalist Training Club

Have a peek inside the platform...

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Minimalist Training Protocol | 4 Phases

Phase 1: The Aesthetic Foundation 

So the first step of getting a Top 1% body is to build the aesthetic foundation. We do this by building strength and size in the key muscle groups.

We prioritize the upper chest, shoulders, back and arms using compound lifts.

Phase 2: The Warrior Mindset

Once we have our early wins under our belt, we must look inwards.

We get clear on your exact body goals, identify key obstacles, and map a plan to breakthrough. 

We will deal with issues like inconsistency, lack of willpower/motivation, and limiting beliefs.

Phase 3: The Leaning Down

Once we’ve gained muscle and the V-tapered proportion - we will turn the focus to getting lean.

Here, we prioritize eating at a sustainable calorie deficit and doing some steady-state cardio.  

This is the phase where you will see the biggest change in your physique. You are 90% there to a lean & aesthetic physique.

Phase 4: The Top 1% Body

Now that your training and diet is on auto-pilot and your mental health is much improved, we can start filling in the gaps.

It's not enough to just be lean and aesthetic. We want to be strong, healthy, and mobile. 

We will focus on improving any weak points in your physique while improving your mobility and flexibility.

This will translate directly to your performance in life, sports, and the bedroom


Most men lead lives of quiet desperation...

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Minimalist Training Club condenses 10 years and thousands of hours of training into an immersive & interactive experience. 

Imagine getting it all: 

(Live coaching + In-depth masterclasses + genuine community)

2x Weekly Coaching Calls with Wanhee

Have a world-class, certified coach - helping you every step of the way. This will allow you to overcome any roadblocks and stay accountable over the long-term.

(Value: $4997)

The Minimalist Masterclasses

Get the exact training, diet, and mindset systems I used to transform. This will show you exactly what to do in every domain. You won’t have to deal with constant information overload. The lessons you learn from these masterclasses will last your entire life.

(Value: $1997)

Elite Community Experience

Join a tribe of like minded, ambitious men who are geared towards the same goals and vision. The connections you make inside are worth 10x what you’d invest to join.

(Value: $ 1497)

The Coaching Vault

Get access to recordings of some of the best and most nuanced fitness coaching on the internet. This isn’t your usual chit chat. Every call is worth hundreds if not more in value.

(Value: $ 997)

The Form Vault

How to perform each exercise with mechanical and mental precision. Make maximum progress while leaving no gains on the table.

(Value: $ 397)

Full Day Of Eating & Mukbang

See exactly how I eat on a daily basis. This will allow you to pull back the curtain and see the finer details of how I go about my diet when bulking or cutting. Plus you will learn how to cook dishes that are criminally delicious.

(Value: $197)

Live In-Person Meetups

Meet and train with Wanhee in person. This will be a unique experience and allow you to expand your awareness as to what’s possible in your physique and life.

(Value: Priceless)

NEW COURSES As They Get Released

Get Immediate access to NEW COURSES as they get released. We are constantly adding new courses, materials and value.  Get exclusive first access to all new courses as they are developed.

(Value: Priceless)

TOTAL VALUE: $10,082

PLUS! You Will Unlock These Bonuses Over Time:

Bonus: Minimalist Bodyweight Training

This will allow you to build a lean and aesthetic physique if you don’t have access to a gym or training equipment. It will show you the most effective ways to build muscle at home or on the road.

(Value: $497)

Bonus: How To Stop Binge Eating & Giving Into Cravings

This program will allow you to lose weight and fat in a way that's both sustainable and enjoyable. You will learn how to overcome binge-eating and the cycle of self-sabotage that keeps you stuck. It will transform your identity to a lean person for life.

(Value: $997)

Bonus: Strong and Healthy For Life Programs

You will get access to the most advanced, cutting edge mobility programs for your shoulders, knees, back, and wrists.  It will make sure you remain injury-free and allow you to be more mobile, functional, and athletic for life.

(Value: $997)

Bonus: The Minimalist Fashion Guide

This will allow you to dress better than 90% of men without knowing much about fashion and without breaking the bank. The principles you learn here will instantly elevate your style and it will be hard to dress bad after you learn this.

(Value: $497)

Bonus: Camera Confidence Unlocked

Learn how to develop your charisma and confidence on camera. This will allow you to speak with authenticity and conviction both on and off camera - which will bring invaluable improvements in your social and business life.

(Value: $497)

Bonus: The Modern Samurai Dating Guide

Modern Samurai Dating Guide will teach you life changing lessons that will instantly change how you interact with women. This will allow you to attract beautiful women and get you closer to finding the partner of your dreams.

(Value: $997)

TOTAL VALUE: $15,561

Normal Price: 

$497 (One-Time Enrollment Fee) + $99/Month Thereafter


Your Price: 

$497 Enrollment Fee

Only $99/Month


Instead of paying $15,561 we are offering this to you for only $99/month.

All you need to do is sign up now as a founding member. 

Spots are limited to 50 members before we add the enrollment fee.

Join now to lock-in your monthly price.


Join Now

Minimalist Training Club condenses 10 years and thousands of hours of training into an immersive & interactive experience. 


Imagine getting it all: 

(Live coaching + In-depth masterclasses + genuine community)


Weekly Coaching Calls

Have a world-class, certified coach - helping you every step of the way. This will allow you to overcome any roadblocks and stay accountable over the long-term.

(Value: $4997)


The Minimalist Masterclasses

Get the exact training, diet, and mindset systems I used to transform. This will show you exactly what to do in every domain. You won’t have to deal with constant information overload. The lessons you learn from these masterclasses will last your entire life.

(Value: $1997)


Elite Community Experience

Join a tribe of like minded, ambitious men who are geared towards the same goals and vision. The connections you make inside are worth 10x what you’d invest to join.

(Value: $ 1497)


The Coaching Vault

Get access to recordings of some of the best and most nuanced fitness coaching on the internet. This isn’t your usual chit chat. Every call is worth hundreds if not more in value.

(Value: $ 997)


The Form Vault

How to perform each exercise with mechanical and mental precision. Make maximum progress while leaving no gains on the table.

(Value: $ 397)


Full Day Of Eating & Mukbang 

See exactly how I eat on a daily basis. This will allow you to pull back the curtain and see the finer details of how I go about my diet when bulking or cutting. Plus you will learn how to cook dishes that are criminally delicious.

(Value: $197)


Live In-Person Meetups

Meet and train with Wanhee in person. This will be a unique experience and allow you to expand your awareness as to what’s possible in your physique and life.

(Value: Priceless)


NEW COURSES As They Get Released

Get Immediate access to NEW COURSES as they get released. We are constantly adding new courses, materials and value.  Get exclusive first access to all new courses as they are developed.

(Value: Priceless)

TOTAL VALUE: $10,082

PLUS! You Will Unlock These Bonuses When You Join:


Bonus: Minimalist Bodyweight Training

This will allow you to build a lean and aesthetic physique if you don’t have access to a gym or training equipment. It will show you the most effective ways to build muscle at home or on the road.

(Value: $497)


Bonus: How To Stop Binge Eating & Giving Into Cravings

This program will allow you to lose weight and fat in a way that's both sustainable and enjoyable. You will learn how to overcome binge-eating and the cycle of self-sabotage that keeps you stuck. It will transform your identity to a lean person for life.

(Value: $997)


Bonus: Strong and Healthy For Life Programs

You will get access to the most advanced, cutting edge mobility programs for your shoulders, knees, back, and wrists.  It will make sure you remain injury-free and allow you to be more mobile, functional, and athletic for life.

(Value: $997)


Bonus: The Minimalist Fashion Guide

This will allow you to dress better than 90% of men without knowing much about fashion and without breaking the bank. The principles you learn here will instantly elevate your style and it will be hard to dress bad after you learn this.

(Value: $497)


Bonus: Camera Confidence Unlocked

Learn how to develop your charisma and confidence on camera. This will allow you to speak with authenticity and conviction both on and off camera - which will bring invaluable improvements in your social and business life.

(Value: $497)


Bonus: The Modern Samurai Dating Guide

Modern Samurai Dating Guide will teach you life changing lessons that will instantly change how you interact with women. This will allow you to attract beautiful women and get you closer to finding the partner of your dreams.

(Value: $997)

TOTAL VALUE: $15,561

Normal Price: 

$499 Enrollment Fee + $199 per month


  Early Bird Members: 

Only $99/Month


 The price will double soon. Join now to become an early bird member.

Your price will never rise.

Join today. Cancel anytime.


Join Now

Join Now! Enrollment Closes in... 










$99 / Month

$499 (One-Time Enrollment Fee)

LIMITED TIME: No Enrollment Fee.

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls with Wanhee
  • The Minimalist Masterclasses
  • Elite Community Experience
  • Full Day of Eating and Mukbang
  • Live In-Person Meetups
  • Access to new programs as they launch
  • BONUS: Minimalist Bodyweight Training
  • BONUS: Fat Loss For Life Program
  • BONUS: Strong and Healthy for Life Programs
  • BONUS: Minimalist Fashion Guide
  • BONUS: Camera Confidence Unlocked
  • BONUS: The Modern Samurai Dating Guide

Cancel anytime with a click



I am so confident you will love this community that I am willing to provide you a 14 day money back guarantee. 

If you join and participate in 1 live coaching call with me, while trying the workout program,

And you don’t think this community is right for you, I will give you your money back. 

I pride myself on being able to deliver the best coaching experience. But if for some reason you decide it’s not for you… 

You can just leave with a click without any risk or dollar spent. 

But you must attend at least one call and try the workouts (and show me proof) before you ask for a refund. 


Let's Do This Wanhee

Why is it priced like this?


I’ve thought a lot about this because I want to make this affordable for as many people as possible.

But I don’t want this to be so underpriced because then it would turn into an over-bloated fb group which is the last thing I want. 

The fact is my one-on-one clients pay 5-10k USD for 3 months of coaching. And they renew.

And I actually pride myself on my coaching ability because I am a certified Co-Active coach with a lot of finesse and experience under my belt (Not just a PT teaching you exercises!)

So the price I’ve decided on is a monthly recurring subscription of $99 a month with a one-time enrollment fee of $499.

The enrollment fee is to deter any random person from joining and diluting the integrity of the group. I don't want some troll coming in, ripping all my premium coaching material and leaving. For the same reason the enrollment fee is non-refundable. I hope you understand. I put my heart and soul into making this community.

But if you’re reading this now, you are an early supporter of mine, which is why I am willing to waive the $499 sign up fee. 

So that’s only $99 a month for you to access the most personalized coaching community on the internet. Period.

Most of us spend hundreds of dollars on the latest pair of trainers or a piece of clothing that we like.

We spend more on the latest phones, airpods and flights to our favorite holiday destination… 

Not to mention in the tens of thousands for the traditional education system that teaches us outdated information about what truly works in 2023 and beyond.

I can speak from my own experience when I say that the best investment I made in my life has always been in my own self growth. 

Because that’s the stuff that doesn’t go away, fall out of fashion, or become outdated. 

For a fraction of the price of your favorite pair of trainers, airpods, phones, and airfare…

And for much much less than what you paid over the years to traditional education and healthcare systems that left you wanting more…

For less than the price of a coffee a day…

You could have me as your private coach to help you transform your body and your mind to that of a greek god. 

Imagine that.

The possibilities are endless.

And if you work hard and follow the system, your transformation is inevitable.

If you are ready to join right now, click the button below and I'll see you on the other side.

I Want an Aesthetic Body

Okay, that's a lot of stuff. But will the Minimalist Training Community actually work for me?


Simply put, yes. And here's why.

Not only will you get all the training materials you need...

I am actually going to make this a proper community with engaged members.

I don't want some bloated facebook group or a random discord server where the trolls reign supreme. 

I personally talked to every single member inside and made sure that he is on the same journey as us. 

A community is an organism just like the human body.

If it gets too fat too quickly, then it cannot function well.

Blood cannot flow. Mind gets cloggy. And it looks bad from the outside. 

So! I am only going to let a small number of people join the community each time - starting with the first 50 founding members.

Finally, in order to ensure the quality of the members' experience I have appointed moderators and managers. 

And if someone joins and doesn't participate at all in the community for over a month and never shows up to the live calls...

I will consider giving his place to another member for whom this experience will provide the utmost value.

Because a community is only as good as its members - and every member counts.

This is the plan. What do you say? Are you ready to join me on this journey?

Yes I want to Join!

Check out the big gains on Hanju!

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What makes Wanhee different as a coach...

(Watch below)

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Successes Celebrated by Community Members

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm Ready To Build A Top 1% Body

Minimalist Training continues to help men around the world

OK I'm Ready! Let's Do This Wanhee!

If you still have doubts, here's what I want to tell you...


Hello friend,👋

If you still haven't decided to join, there's probably something that's holding you back.

Maybe you think this won't work. Maybe you've tried things in the past and they didn't go as planned.

I understand. Because I was in your shoes not so long ago. Just look at the old photos of me.

But if I gave up after all those failed attempts, I'd still be walking around with back pain, belly fat, and low confidence.

I wouldn't have been able to go to the beach last week and take off my shirt without any self-doubt.

And the girl that worked in the surf school probably wouldn't have liked me.

Building a great body doesn't automatically make you more confident or give you more dating opportunities. But it does give you a foundation of self-reliance and confidence.

Because you know that if everything was stripped away, you still have a strong and capable body to support you.

Many people choose to focus on other things like making more money or getting good grades, or even just going on holiday.

Many underestimate the importance of the body in everything that we do.

Remember there is not a single moment - not. a. single. moment. where you are not with your body.

It's literally the bedrock of everything you do and conditions how you experience and operate in the world.

Not to get too philosophical but truly, investing in your body, IS the best investment you can make. 

Nothing else even comes close. And it will pay dividends now and later on in life.

If you have had health issues or have family with health issues...

You know that without a healthy, functioning body, nothing else really matters. 

And I want you to understand this:

You CAN achieve it.

You CAN build a body that will surprise both yourself and others around you.

When I was suffering from depression and chronic back pain, training got me back to health and strength.

When I was lost for purpose in my PhD, the gym brought discipline and consistency into my life.

What could it do for you?

My purpose is to help you become healthy, strong, and aesthetic - so that you can thrive not just inside the gym, but outside as well.

I want to help you become the most confident and attractive version of yourself.

If you put your trust in me, in yourself, and in the minimalist way of training - I promise you I will not let you down, and I will do everything I can to help you reach your goals.

Because as Socrates once said:

"It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."

(Didn't get that from Tiktok)

Hope to see you inside bro.


October 3rd 2023

From a cafe in Seoul, South Korea.